Please Help Me:My Name Is Aaaaairman
In Rashi in this weeks parsha he quotes the famous aphorism "Ächaron acharon chaviv" [last is best]. If your name is Zysblat this can only serve to make you feel great!
But - 1 The gemara in numerous places [e.g. Yevamos 2b, Bava kamma 17b] says that first is best!
2 What is the logic. Why should last be best??
Please answer first. That would be best.
Please Help Me.
But - 1 The gemara in numerous places [e.g. Yevamos 2b, Bava kamma 17b] says that first is best!
2 What is the logic. Why should last be best??
Please answer first. That would be best.
Please Help Me.
It depends on the situation. There are times when it is best to be first and there are times when you save the best for last.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:01 PM
Shalom Rabbi Ehrman-
I think that Rashi and the Gemorahs are not conflicting. Perhaps the idea is that you have to live in the NOW. NOW is always best. Sometimes NOW is going to be the first of a series of events and sometimes NOW is the last of a series of a events . We only know if retrospect.Regardless, if you view yourself Right NOW, then no matter if its the Begining or End, its always best.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:35 PM
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