Sharing Is Caring
Great news!!
I have joined forces with a Rav in the Old City, Rav Tzvi Aryeh Ingber, a tremendous ba'al chesed who already is running an expanded operation of tzedaka dispensation. Now all donations are tax deductable!!!
He is running a special Pre-Pesach drive for families in need. He has found someone who has agreed to match every dollar up to fifty thousand dollars. Thus far he has raised forty thousand. You have the zchus of helping raise the ante.
I am posting all of the information. The most important part is at the end. But worry not - I am not planning to approach any individuals. I am a lousy shnorrer. But I do encourage you to give as every cent goes to people who really need it. In Yerushalayim, which halachically is accorded special status with respect to the mitzva of tzedaka. And their is no overhead. And no salaries. Those in need receive the max! If you have any special requests feel free to contact me.
Impotant Note: All of the donations that I have received until now will be going only towards the purchase of chickens for the poor families as originally intended.
And remember, according to the Rambam if one does not feed the poor on the holiday they have not fulfilled their OWN obligation to be happy on Yom Tov. As was explained in a shiur posted in the Chagim section. So if you don't give to us - give to someone else.
9 Adar 5767
Shalom u’vracha.
Hope you and your families are all well.
This Pesach we will be processing all donations through “In His Image Foundation”, but before we discuss the new Matching Funds being made available now, I want to update everyone with the reports regarding The Northern Campaign and 5767 Rosh HaShana-Succos distributions.
During the Hizbullah War many of you were involved in our Northern Campaign Matching Fund Project for Jews in the North. Boruch Hashem, we joined forces with Barry Friedman of “In His Image Foundation”, Rav Chaim Goldberg and gabbaim, just like ourselves, across the north. With the help of the Matching Funds that Barry sought out and provided, our small group made a distribution that totaled $2.8 million. We followed our traditional criteria of every penny going to the people with no overhead expenses covered by donors.
Through the combined efforts of an outstandingly resourceful team, we did something that I think is unique in the annals of tzedaka distribution on this level. All gifts were made directly into recipients’ bank accounts with no middlemen and no duplication. In many cases people whom we knew were in need received these funds without ever knowing it was coming! Yasher kochachem.
On a much smaller monetary scale but equally important mitzvah scale - our 5767 Rosh HaShana-Succos distribution was very respectable. With the help of matching funds from “In His Image Foundation”, we covered our expanded lists of cash distributions to the Family Fund and put together the largest Holiday Food Project distribution to date. In addition to our concentrated efforts in the Old City, we helped residents of Betar by building a completely separate mirror organization in their city.
Recently, I was shown a psak of Rav Chaim Kanievski’s, shlit’a, by one of the Vaad HaRabbanim of our Food Project. Citing the Chassam Sofer’s and the Pe’as HaShulchan’s rulings that the Jewish poor of Yerushalayim take precedence over poor of all other locations for tzedaka purposes, Rav Elyashiv, shlit’a and Rav Kanievski, shlit’a, while holding opposing positions as to the ‘definitive boundaries’ of Yerushalayim, agree on one crucial matter that affects us. Yerushalayim Bein HaChomos, the Old City of Yerushalayim, does take precedence over all other locations.
How fortunate we are to be operating right at the source. Together, we, the donors, gabbaim, volunteers and recipients comprise the instrument through which, according to all opinions of Gedolei Yisroel, the mitzvah of tzedaka can be carried out at its highest standard. I’d be happy to forward a copy of the original letter from Rav Chaim Kanievski if you wish.
Although we haven’t finalized our ceiling amounts, In His Image has again expressed its solidarity with our methods and goals and offered to match funds in both Family Fund cash distributions and in our expanded Holiday Food Project. Clearly, your tzedaka allocated for the Old City of Yerushalayim will not only conform to the highest standards of the Chassam Sofer, the Pe’as HaShulchan, Rav Elyashiv, shlit’a and Rav Kanievski, shlit’a but can also represent a greater net gift as a result of the matching funds.
In order to take advantage of our unique location and to afford all donors the fullest mitzvah - all distributions will be allocated to Jews living in all quarters of the Old City. Anyone wishing to contribute outside of the Old City must discuss it with us prior in order to assure your goals are realized.
As in the past, we remain willing and able to be your tzedaka eyes and ears. Unlike most tzedaka organizations, our Funds are modeled in the interests of the donors and are completely staffed by volunteers, affording donors the fullest benefit of their mitzvah with NO administrative and/or ANY other costs.
Family Fund:
(At this time this fund is the most relevant.)
For the past 17 years we have been dispersing monies on behalf of people who want to know that their Maos Chittin is being dispensed with no overhead and directly to Jews in need.
Most families cannot afford new clothes or shoes for themselves and their children throughout the year. This is also true for what may seem to most of us like minor housekeeping expenses and repairs.
Before Pesach, as well as before Rosh HaShana, we distribute to a great list of families within the Old City. Allocations are determined depending on family size. We cover every combination of single individuals, single parents with kids at home up to families of 14.
Please consider Family Fund a.s.a.p. so that the monies can be distributed before the very last minute.
The need is great and the time is short.
Food Project:
Boruch Hashem the Food Project has continued uninterrupted from its inception approximately 4 years ago. The services include a weekly shipment of fresh fruits and vegetables delivered on Wednesday night that is calculated to serve the family’s needs through shabbos and into the coming week. Thursday nights, chickens are delivered and freezers stocked for recipients. Recipients receive the hechsherim that they normally use. When funds allow, we arrange delivery of between 25 and 30 food staples, which we call the “Supermarket Shop”.
Our internal Vaad HaRabbanim makes all decisions regarding qualifications. The only universal criterion is that recipients be Jews in need. In addition to our own research, our Vaad is in constant communication with the Kupat Tzedaka of the Rova under the supervision of Rav Nevensahl, shlit’a. In the vast majority of cases, recipients need not apply. Our extensive committee of gabbaim and gabbaos (including teachers, rebbes, local doctors and employees at the local Kupat Cholim) is designed to preempt requests and provide information directly to the Rabbanim, as it is our goal to catch families before they fall through a very insufficient safety net. All efforts are made to protect the identities of recipient families as well as the sources that provided their names.
The intervention of rabbis and friends is often essential in getting families to agree to accept the food they need. Much of our distribution is under the heading of “Tomchin d’Oraisa”, which circumvents the problem of families who refuse to accept “tzedaka”.
Families are constantly being added and subtracted from our lists. We service approximately 60 families between 450 and 550 people a week.
As our supporters are well aware, our project has been challenged by the professional organizations that compete for donor dollars. Unlike those organizations, which also do good work, we have no salaries, no overhead and no PR/advertising budgets.
Our current budget for non-holiday months is approximately $10,000 (at the 60 family level). Holiday months are more.
In discussions conducted last month with the “Kupat Tzedaka of the Rova” under the supervision of Rav Nevensahl, shlit’a, we were informed that if funds permitted, they would recommend an additional list of newly qualified families almost equal in number to what we are already servicing. We realize that this rise in needy families is contrary to the glowing economic reports regarding the Israeli economy. The reason is that while the upper rungs on the economic ladder have had more disposable income, the price of food has risen very sharply (fruits and vegetables by 25% this year!) and their disposable income has in fact been reduced.
Thanks to a special donation to cover Adar’s costs we were able to service and additional 20 families with a special Purim Supermarket Shop which they will receive before Purim.
This Food Project is not glamorous but it is indispensable. It is ongoing and can fit in with your long-term tzedaka planning throughout the year.
Hachnassas Kallah Fund:
This is fund was instituted to help families avoid the potential for degradation that can come as a consequence of “the simcha”. Of course, the goal is not to provide apartments for the parents to give the young couple but, rather, to provide basic relief and cover some of the basic wedding expenses, which understandably will vary from case to case.
Over the past year we have made 10 grants that have contributed as much as $1000 to a single wedding. On separate occasions we have arranged raising funds for specific situations. Just 2 weeks ago we arranged to raise funds for a man who earns his parnassa working out of a shop built onto his home. He needed a total of $15,000, which he didn’t have to pay his share of his daughter’s wedding and apartment setup costs. He didn’t ask anyone for help. He was in the process of selling his home, thinking to buy a smaller one when it came to our attention. It is a near certainty that he would have lost his business and parnassa in the process. B”H, as soon as we heard of it we contacted the people whom we know are interested in this mitzvah and raised the funds for the wedding after Purim, b’shaa tova u’mutzlachas. Now, the father, who has health issues, will be able to stay in his home where he raised his children and keep his business.
Please discuss with your Rabbanim how the mitzvah of Hachnassas Kallah positively influences the donors in health, shalom bayis and other matters. Also, consider this plan when planning your own simchas (may they be many and great) as a way of sharing the possibilities with those less able.
Note: Sometimes this fund services people outside of the Old City. This Fund is not eligible for matching at this time.
Medical Fund:
With the same “no overhead” criteria, there are ongoing needs for medical help and advice that is not covered by local insurance plans. The services of the Kupot Cholim have been reduced due to overall national budget cuts. Essential medicines have been cut from the Kupot Cholim basket of services. There are families who cannot afford medicines on and off the Kupat Cholim lists, as well as other medical and therapeutic services. In addition to some immediate support that we give, we have 2 ongoing cases that we support. One is a 21-year-old girl with a rare form of cancer that affects her spine and brain and needs physical therapy beyond her coverage. The other ongoing case is a 6-year-old boy with a condition mimicking MS who needs special medication from the States.
In the past year we have had doctors, in Israel and in the States, donate free consulting services to people who have turned to us.
May Hashem bless the volunteer doctors, the donors and all Clal Yisroel, with good health.
Note: Sometimes this fund services people outside of the Old City. This Fund is not eligible for matching at this time.
There you have it. This our versions of a “Fund of Funds”, the opportunity for Clal Yisroel to network and join one side with another in order to make the connection and complete the mitzvah. One cannot be a successful donor without a worthy recipient and every dollar that one allocates to tzedaka should arrive that way and not reduced by commissions or other costs.
Tizku L’mitzvos.
After your Freilichen Purim enjoy a Chag Pesach kasher v’sameach,
Tzvi Aryeh
To contribute to any of these services you can write a US tax deductible check to:
In His Image Foundation
c/o Realty Data Processing
303 Merrick Road
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Wire instructions:
JP Morgan Chase
52 Broadway
New York, NY
ABA: 021 000 021
Account: In His Image Charitable Trust
Account # 777376911
Please indicate on the memo line of your check or wire whether your intention is for:
Food Project
Family Fund
Medical Fund
Hachnassas Kallah Fund
PS Please notify me if you intend to participate (amount and to which fund). Also, think of keeping this letter (or at least my email address) handy so that when the tzedaka situations arise for you we can carry out your wishes.
I have joined forces with a Rav in the Old City, Rav Tzvi Aryeh Ingber, a tremendous ba'al chesed who already is running an expanded operation of tzedaka dispensation. Now all donations are tax deductable!!!
He is running a special Pre-Pesach drive for families in need. He has found someone who has agreed to match every dollar up to fifty thousand dollars. Thus far he has raised forty thousand. You have the zchus of helping raise the ante.
I am posting all of the information. The most important part is at the end. But worry not - I am not planning to approach any individuals. I am a lousy shnorrer. But I do encourage you to give as every cent goes to people who really need it. In Yerushalayim, which halachically is accorded special status with respect to the mitzva of tzedaka. And their is no overhead. And no salaries. Those in need receive the max! If you have any special requests feel free to contact me.
Impotant Note: All of the donations that I have received until now will be going only towards the purchase of chickens for the poor families as originally intended.
And remember, according to the Rambam if one does not feed the poor on the holiday they have not fulfilled their OWN obligation to be happy on Yom Tov. As was explained in a shiur posted in the Chagim section. So if you don't give to us - give to someone else.
9 Adar 5767
Shalom u’vracha.
Hope you and your families are all well.
This Pesach we will be processing all donations through “In His Image Foundation”, but before we discuss the new Matching Funds being made available now, I want to update everyone with the reports regarding The Northern Campaign and 5767 Rosh HaShana-Succos distributions.
During the Hizbullah War many of you were involved in our Northern Campaign Matching Fund Project for Jews in the North. Boruch Hashem, we joined forces with Barry Friedman of “In His Image Foundation”, Rav Chaim Goldberg and gabbaim, just like ourselves, across the north. With the help of the Matching Funds that Barry sought out and provided, our small group made a distribution that totaled $2.8 million. We followed our traditional criteria of every penny going to the people with no overhead expenses covered by donors.
Through the combined efforts of an outstandingly resourceful team, we did something that I think is unique in the annals of tzedaka distribution on this level. All gifts were made directly into recipients’ bank accounts with no middlemen and no duplication. In many cases people whom we knew were in need received these funds without ever knowing it was coming! Yasher kochachem.
On a much smaller monetary scale but equally important mitzvah scale - our 5767 Rosh HaShana-Succos distribution was very respectable. With the help of matching funds from “In His Image Foundation”, we covered our expanded lists of cash distributions to the Family Fund and put together the largest Holiday Food Project distribution to date. In addition to our concentrated efforts in the Old City, we helped residents of Betar by building a completely separate mirror organization in their city.
Recently, I was shown a psak of Rav Chaim Kanievski’s, shlit’a, by one of the Vaad HaRabbanim of our Food Project. Citing the Chassam Sofer’s and the Pe’as HaShulchan’s rulings that the Jewish poor of Yerushalayim take precedence over poor of all other locations for tzedaka purposes, Rav Elyashiv, shlit’a and Rav Kanievski, shlit’a, while holding opposing positions as to the ‘definitive boundaries’ of Yerushalayim, agree on one crucial matter that affects us. Yerushalayim Bein HaChomos, the Old City of Yerushalayim, does take precedence over all other locations.
How fortunate we are to be operating right at the source. Together, we, the donors, gabbaim, volunteers and recipients comprise the instrument through which, according to all opinions of Gedolei Yisroel, the mitzvah of tzedaka can be carried out at its highest standard. I’d be happy to forward a copy of the original letter from Rav Chaim Kanievski if you wish.
Although we haven’t finalized our ceiling amounts, In His Image has again expressed its solidarity with our methods and goals and offered to match funds in both Family Fund cash distributions and in our expanded Holiday Food Project. Clearly, your tzedaka allocated for the Old City of Yerushalayim will not only conform to the highest standards of the Chassam Sofer, the Pe’as HaShulchan, Rav Elyashiv, shlit’a and Rav Kanievski, shlit’a but can also represent a greater net gift as a result of the matching funds.
In order to take advantage of our unique location and to afford all donors the fullest mitzvah - all distributions will be allocated to Jews living in all quarters of the Old City. Anyone wishing to contribute outside of the Old City must discuss it with us prior in order to assure your goals are realized.
As in the past, we remain willing and able to be your tzedaka eyes and ears. Unlike most tzedaka organizations, our Funds are modeled in the interests of the donors and are completely staffed by volunteers, affording donors the fullest benefit of their mitzvah with NO administrative and/or ANY other costs.
Family Fund:
(At this time this fund is the most relevant.)
For the past 17 years we have been dispersing monies on behalf of people who want to know that their Maos Chittin is being dispensed with no overhead and directly to Jews in need.
Most families cannot afford new clothes or shoes for themselves and their children throughout the year. This is also true for what may seem to most of us like minor housekeeping expenses and repairs.
Before Pesach, as well as before Rosh HaShana, we distribute to a great list of families within the Old City. Allocations are determined depending on family size. We cover every combination of single individuals, single parents with kids at home up to families of 14.
Please consider Family Fund a.s.a.p. so that the monies can be distributed before the very last minute.
The need is great and the time is short.
Food Project:
Boruch Hashem the Food Project has continued uninterrupted from its inception approximately 4 years ago. The services include a weekly shipment of fresh fruits and vegetables delivered on Wednesday night that is calculated to serve the family’s needs through shabbos and into the coming week. Thursday nights, chickens are delivered and freezers stocked for recipients. Recipients receive the hechsherim that they normally use. When funds allow, we arrange delivery of between 25 and 30 food staples, which we call the “Supermarket Shop”.
Our internal Vaad HaRabbanim makes all decisions regarding qualifications. The only universal criterion is that recipients be Jews in need. In addition to our own research, our Vaad is in constant communication with the Kupat Tzedaka of the Rova under the supervision of Rav Nevensahl, shlit’a. In the vast majority of cases, recipients need not apply. Our extensive committee of gabbaim and gabbaos (including teachers, rebbes, local doctors and employees at the local Kupat Cholim) is designed to preempt requests and provide information directly to the Rabbanim, as it is our goal to catch families before they fall through a very insufficient safety net. All efforts are made to protect the identities of recipient families as well as the sources that provided their names.
The intervention of rabbis and friends is often essential in getting families to agree to accept the food they need. Much of our distribution is under the heading of “Tomchin d’Oraisa”, which circumvents the problem of families who refuse to accept “tzedaka”.
Families are constantly being added and subtracted from our lists. We service approximately 60 families between 450 and 550 people a week.
As our supporters are well aware, our project has been challenged by the professional organizations that compete for donor dollars. Unlike those organizations, which also do good work, we have no salaries, no overhead and no PR/advertising budgets.
Our current budget for non-holiday months is approximately $10,000 (at the 60 family level). Holiday months are more.
In discussions conducted last month with the “Kupat Tzedaka of the Rova” under the supervision of Rav Nevensahl, shlit’a, we were informed that if funds permitted, they would recommend an additional list of newly qualified families almost equal in number to what we are already servicing. We realize that this rise in needy families is contrary to the glowing economic reports regarding the Israeli economy. The reason is that while the upper rungs on the economic ladder have had more disposable income, the price of food has risen very sharply (fruits and vegetables by 25% this year!) and their disposable income has in fact been reduced.
Thanks to a special donation to cover Adar’s costs we were able to service and additional 20 families with a special Purim Supermarket Shop which they will receive before Purim.
This Food Project is not glamorous but it is indispensable. It is ongoing and can fit in with your long-term tzedaka planning throughout the year.
Hachnassas Kallah Fund:
This is fund was instituted to help families avoid the potential for degradation that can come as a consequence of “the simcha”. Of course, the goal is not to provide apartments for the parents to give the young couple but, rather, to provide basic relief and cover some of the basic wedding expenses, which understandably will vary from case to case.
Over the past year we have made 10 grants that have contributed as much as $1000 to a single wedding. On separate occasions we have arranged raising funds for specific situations. Just 2 weeks ago we arranged to raise funds for a man who earns his parnassa working out of a shop built onto his home. He needed a total of $15,000, which he didn’t have to pay his share of his daughter’s wedding and apartment setup costs. He didn’t ask anyone for help. He was in the process of selling his home, thinking to buy a smaller one when it came to our attention. It is a near certainty that he would have lost his business and parnassa in the process. B”H, as soon as we heard of it we contacted the people whom we know are interested in this mitzvah and raised the funds for the wedding after Purim, b’shaa tova u’mutzlachas. Now, the father, who has health issues, will be able to stay in his home where he raised his children and keep his business.
Please discuss with your Rabbanim how the mitzvah of Hachnassas Kallah positively influences the donors in health, shalom bayis and other matters. Also, consider this plan when planning your own simchas (may they be many and great) as a way of sharing the possibilities with those less able.
Note: Sometimes this fund services people outside of the Old City. This Fund is not eligible for matching at this time.
Medical Fund:
With the same “no overhead” criteria, there are ongoing needs for medical help and advice that is not covered by local insurance plans. The services of the Kupot Cholim have been reduced due to overall national budget cuts. Essential medicines have been cut from the Kupot Cholim basket of services. There are families who cannot afford medicines on and off the Kupat Cholim lists, as well as other medical and therapeutic services. In addition to some immediate support that we give, we have 2 ongoing cases that we support. One is a 21-year-old girl with a rare form of cancer that affects her spine and brain and needs physical therapy beyond her coverage. The other ongoing case is a 6-year-old boy with a condition mimicking MS who needs special medication from the States.
In the past year we have had doctors, in Israel and in the States, donate free consulting services to people who have turned to us.
May Hashem bless the volunteer doctors, the donors and all Clal Yisroel, with good health.
Note: Sometimes this fund services people outside of the Old City. This Fund is not eligible for matching at this time.
There you have it. This our versions of a “Fund of Funds”, the opportunity for Clal Yisroel to network and join one side with another in order to make the connection and complete the mitzvah. One cannot be a successful donor without a worthy recipient and every dollar that one allocates to tzedaka should arrive that way and not reduced by commissions or other costs.
Tizku L’mitzvos.
After your Freilichen Purim enjoy a Chag Pesach kasher v’sameach,
Tzvi Aryeh
To contribute to any of these services you can write a US tax deductible check to:
In His Image Foundation
c/o Realty Data Processing
303 Merrick Road
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Wire instructions:
JP Morgan Chase
52 Broadway
New York, NY
ABA: 021 000 021
Account: In His Image Charitable Trust
Account # 777376911
Please indicate on the memo line of your check or wire whether your intention is for:
Food Project
Family Fund
Medical Fund
Hachnassas Kallah Fund
PS Please notify me if you intend to participate (amount and to which fund). Also, think of keeping this letter (or at least my email address) handy so that when the tzedaka situations arise for you we can carry out your wishes.
Are all those given money or food investigated to make sure they really need it?
Posted by
Moses |
12:27 AM
Dear kolisha
Thank you for your interest!!
They are thoroughly investigated by a team of trustworthy honest people.
Posted by
Rabbi Ally Ehrman |
6:21 AM
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