Big Day!
Shalom Sweetest Friends!!
I have arrived in the US and the flight was GREAT because before the flight they kept giving me stickers!! I can add them to my collection. I love stickers! Next time I hope that they give me marbles!!!
Anyway, if anyone would like to reach me [medical consultations, tarot card reading or just to say "Shalom Aleichem Sweetest Friend"] my home # is 212-799-1124 or cell [yes ME - A CELL! thanks to Mom], 917-715-0988.
And of course Mazel Tov to my beloved friend [brother?] "Awesome" Avraham Yitzchak Jaspan and his Kalla, "Holy" Hila Reich.
Everyone is invited! [I didn't ask permission to write that but if you just dance I am sure it'll be fine!!!] See you in that well known suburb of Jerusalem called "Teaneck"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you see someone airborne - it'll be me.
Bikarov aitzel kooooolam!!!
I have arrived in the US and the flight was GREAT because before the flight they kept giving me stickers!! I can add them to my collection. I love stickers! Next time I hope that they give me marbles!!!
Anyway, if anyone would like to reach me [medical consultations, tarot card reading or just to say "Shalom Aleichem Sweetest Friend"] my home # is 212-799-1124 or cell [yes ME - A CELL! thanks to Mom], 917-715-0988.
And of course Mazel Tov to my beloved friend [brother?] "Awesome" Avraham Yitzchak Jaspan and his Kalla, "Holy" Hila Reich.
Everyone is invited! [I didn't ask permission to write that but if you just dance I am sure it'll be fine!!!] See you in that well known suburb of Jerusalem called "Teaneck"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you see someone airborne - it'll be me.
Bikarov aitzel kooooolam!!!
Mazel tov! If you come through Queens, feel free to stop by. ;)
Posted by
Ezzie |
8:20 PM
Posted by
Rabbi Ally Ehrman |
7:54 AM
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