Change Direction
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
Lao Tzu
Sweetest Friends! A Jew must never be content with his spiritual state. We pine for shleimus - spiritual perfection. To begin to approach that perfection we need to take stock of our life and we may well conclude that in certain areas we need a change. A change in direction. It is often hard but much better than the alternative.
May Hashem give us the koach to change.
And to remember the serenity prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
[Feel free to fill me in, in the comments section.]
Lao Tzu
Sweetest Friends! A Jew must never be content with his spiritual state. We pine for shleimus - spiritual perfection. To begin to approach that perfection we need to take stock of our life and we may well conclude that in certain areas we need a change. A change in direction. It is often hard but much better than the alternative.
May Hashem give us the koach to change.
And to remember the serenity prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
[Feel free to fill me in, in the comments section.]
The serenity prayer is as follows:
G-d grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
A friend of mine says it a little differently:
G-d grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that should be changed and the wisdom to know the difference.
Posted by
Reuven Gaisin |
8:36 PM
Reuven - Thanks - you give me serenity!!
Posted by
Rabbi Ally Ehrman |
10:30 PM
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