Believe In Your Dreams
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Christopher Reeve
In the coming parshiyos we read a lot about dreams. The dream about the angels ascending and descending the ladder [in this weeks parsha] refers to the nations who will rise but fall. Yaakov was afraid that the same would happen to Am Yisrael. But the fact is that once when we ascend, we will never fall again. Believing it will make it happen!! "Vi'karno tarum bishu'asecha, ki lishu'usicha kivinu kol hayom" - You will save us because we believe in it ALL DAY!
Christopher Reeve
In the coming parshiyos we read a lot about dreams. The dream about the angels ascending and descending the ladder [in this weeks parsha] refers to the nations who will rise but fall. Yaakov was afraid that the same would happen to Am Yisrael. But the fact is that once when we ascend, we will never fall again. Believing it will make it happen!! "Vi'karno tarum bishu'asecha, ki lishu'usicha kivinu kol hayom" - You will save us because we believe in it ALL DAY!
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