The Little Bird Is Calling
My family had a little bird! A canary to be precise. I would rather have a baby [you can daven for Elchanan ben Henna Miriam] but in the meantime we will have to make do with the little bird that we bought for our son Simcha [known during the nine days as "Atzvus"]. I was reminded of the song "The Little Bird Is Calling". Here are the lyrics:
The Little Bird Is Calling
The little bird is calling
It wishes to return
The little bird is wounded
It cannot fly, but yearns
It’s captured by the vultures
Crying bitterly
Oh, to see my nest again
Oh, to be free.
The little bird of silver
So delicate and rare
Still chirps among the vultures
Outshining all that’s there
How long, how long, it suffers
How long will it be
Oh, when will come the eagle
And set the little bird free.
The little bird is Yisroel
The vultures are our foes
The painful wound is Golus
Which we all feel and know
The nest is Yerusholayim
Where we yearn to be, once more
And the eagle is Moshiach
Whom we are waiting for.
If you would like to purchase the song as performed by my favorite chazzan EVER, click here.
My family had a little bird! A canary to be precise. I would rather have a baby [you can daven for Elchanan ben Henna Miriam] but in the meantime we will have to make do with the little bird that we bought for our son Simcha [known during the nine days as "Atzvus"]. I was reminded of the song "The Little Bird Is Calling". Here are the lyrics:
The Little Bird Is Calling
The little bird is calling
It wishes to return
The little bird is wounded
It cannot fly, but yearns
It’s captured by the vultures
Crying bitterly
Oh, to see my nest again
Oh, to be free.
The little bird of silver
So delicate and rare
Still chirps among the vultures
Outshining all that’s there
How long, how long, it suffers
How long will it be
Oh, when will come the eagle
And set the little bird free.
The little bird is Yisroel
The vultures are our foes
The painful wound is Golus
Which we all feel and know
The nest is Yerusholayim
Where we yearn to be, once more
And the eagle is Moshiach
Whom we are waiting for.
If you would like to purchase the song as performed by my favorite chazzan EVER, click here.
Love the song; in WITS, someone would sing it at melave malkas.
Posted by
Ezzie |
12:31 AM
i used to sing that song as a kid in one of my day camps. my gut says that it was gan yisrael, but there is no reference to the eagle being the rebbe.
תתחדשו on the canary. may your family always have "simchas" even during times of difficulty.
Posted by
hubscubs |
3:13 PM
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