Who Are YOU?
When begin our Shmoneh Esrei at Mincha and Musaf with the pasuk "כי שם ה' אקרא הבו גודל לאלוקנו"
When I call out the name of Hashem, YOU should ascribe greatness to our G-d."
Who are we talking to?
Please help me.
When I call out the name of Hashem, YOU should ascribe greatness to our G-d."
Who are we talking to?
Please help me.
on Dvarim 32:3...
the IBN EZRA says its the Heavens and Earth, brings psukim Tehillim 19:2 and 69:35 (and see his peirush on the former). he says heavens and earth better than Ramban to rebbe's specific question.
the Ohr Hachayim (paragraph of "od yirtze...") sas its the TZVA HASHAMAYIM, the legions of the heavens (who say specifically "baruch hashem elokei yisrael")
if you can look this short paragraph up on your own i urge you to - its BEAUTIFUL!
however i had a question as to why we say it at all?
Baruch Hashem the sforno answered that! "hinei korei shem Hashem hu hamitpalel... (psukim)" he who cals out God's name is the davener..."
so it fits perfectly at the beginning of Shmoneh Esrei. so, rebbe, i ask of you, why only mussaf and minchah?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 PM
on Dvarim 32:3...
the IBN EZRA says its the Heavens and Earth, brings psukim Tehillim 19:2 and 69:35 (and see his peirush on the former). he says heavens and earth better than Ramban to rebbe's specific question.
the Ohr Hachayim (paragraph of "od yirtze...") sas its the TZVA HASHAMAYIM, the legions of the heavens (who say specifically "baruch hashem elokei yisrael")
if you can look this short paragraph up on your own i urge you to - its BEAUTIFUL!
however i had a question as to why we say it at all?
Baruch Hashem the sforno answered that! "hinei korei shem Hashem hu hamitpalel... (psukim)" he who cals out God's name is the davener..."
so it fits perfectly at the beginning of Shmoneh Esrei. so, rebbe, i ask of you, why only mussaf and minchah?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 PM
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