I Have Assets Worth Millions Of Dollars!
Recently an extremely wealthy Jewish couple had a baby. Sadly the baby was born with only 3 fingers on one of it's hands. Which got me thinking. How much would the parents be willing to pay for those two missing fingers? Millions. So I looked at my fingers and said to them "Hey!! You guys are worth millions."
Food for thought.
Love and Blessings,
Ally Gates
Food for thought.
Love and Blessings,
Ally Gates
ASHIR (rich) in hebrew is rashei teyvos:
Ayin, Shin, Yud, Reish-
Ayin stands for eynayim(eyes)
Shin stands for shenayim ( teeth)
Yud stands for Yadayim ( hands)
Reish stands for Raglayim ( Feet)
We are all Rich!!
I heard this from Rabbi Meir Goldvicht from Yeshiva University/Mesorah Kollel
Posted by
Chaim Yehoshua Hakohen Austein |
10:49 PM
One of my Rabbanim once gave a similar vort. He asked if we would be willing get give one of our limbs for a million dollars. Nobody wanted to. If so, he said, we must be millionaires to have all our limbs! He asked us if we would be willing to pay a million dollars if, chalila, a friend or family member were kidnapped for ransom. Everyone said of course. If so, he said, we all have several millions of dollars in assets!
Posted by
M2B |
6:31 AM
I never heard that R' Chaim Yehoshua. Yashar koach.
Posted by
Rabbi Ally Ehrman |
8:45 AM
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